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Education: The Natural Way

February 9, 2024/

In a world where traditional education often takes a one-size-fits-all approach, my experience as a homeschooling parent has reaffirmed the…

How to treat every fairly

February 9, 2024/

‘We see only what we know’ – Goethe In the last previous article, I discussed about the three crucial  questions…

Embarking on a hiatus after 22 years in the oil and gas industry opened a profound chapter of personal and professional evolution. The diverse tapestry woven during this time, encompassing community service, educational ventures, investment initiatives, continuous learning and solo travels, unveiled a transformative truth. Beyond a certain juncture, success hinges on the synthesis of skills—joining missing dots, adept man management, financial acumen, and a foundational understanding of the sciences across disciplines. This convergence became my modus operandi, illuminating the interconnectedness of seemingly disparate realms. The holistic approach to challenges and opportunities has not only facilitated task accomplishment but has made me more complete as an individual. Engaging in endeavors beyond my industry’s confines has broadened my perspective, fostering adaptability, resilience, and a more profound sense of fulfillment, making the journey not just professionally enriching but personally fulfilling. Here in these blogs, it is a modest attempt to capture the wisdom, on the topics that intrigues me.